Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Daily Read #14: Ready or not, come and find

You're here today, which we appreciate.
We know that for many of you the week is about to become increasingly busy, so the fact that you thought of us and decided to put that thought into action by coming here means a lot.
First please vote: My Dad's Eyes
Second: Enjoy today's post.

Today's post is centered around this Palmer video moment. It was filmed during Ryan's last activation. Rachel wanted him to have a feel for what daily life was like for her and the girls. Emma is definitely the star here (at the time she's just over three), Sophie (the second) is an extra on the set. The other baby is a cousin that Rachel was watching. The only other background information you need is previous experience of playing hide and go seek, which if you don't know already is played like this.

I'll let you get to the business of laughing. Hopefully it will help you stay warm.

I have on good authority that what wasn't funny then to Emma is now hilarious. Some times doing (or saying) exactly what your kids are asking you to do, is the last thing they want.

Take home lessons for me:

• Document things that might seem mundane; sometimes the ordinary becomes the most precious.

• When someone doesn't do what you want them to do or in the way you want them to do it, don't assume the problem is them. Perhaps the problem is not with them but with you and how you're asking.

• Enjoy all of the stages of your child's development. I saw a lot of similarities between where my child is at and the star of this video. Knowing what I know about 'present' Emma and her polite and calm demeanor both gives me hope that my fireball daughter will cool down but also makes me kind of sad to think they don't always stay the same. I should probably enjoy it more in the moment.

• You need very little resource investment to create a fun and happy environment for your child's development. You are the most expensive, interactive, entertaining, and educational 'toy' your child could ever have. Give them your time and not so much stuff.

Have a very happy albeit busy and likely very cold Thanksgiving Eve.

Travel Safely.

Vote: (My Dad's Eyes in the humorous category)
Get anyone you can think of to do the same.

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